Friday, February 6, 2015

New shoes

I just got a new pair of shoes, so it is time for a pair or two to leave my closet.

Monday, February 2, 2015


I was took a class last night about becoming a minimalist. The speaker was Joshua Becker. He has written several books that you can get on your Kindle. He said 1 out of every 10 Americans has some kind of storage unit outside of their home. Wow! He had some interesting things to say about how minimalism can look different for each person. It was a great class as it made me think about all the stuff I have.

Tote bags

Tote bags are one of my favorite organizing tools. You can put things you need into them and then easily carry them to your destination. You can also use them to store projects in, like all the tax paperwork you need to take to your CPA. Here's an example of my work tote bag with all my organizing tools.